Friday, August 16, 2019

Irvine leaders send message to residents that veterans cemetery location decision isn’t meant to benefit developer

To show residents city leaders aren’t moving the proposed veterans cemetery just to tee up a big development on the initial property, City Council members are taking away the zoning that would have allowed up to 250 homes and a hotel.

The city-owned site on the northern edge of the Orange County Great Park known as ARDA was part of the former El Toro Marine base and had been suggested for the cemetery, but city officials recently designated a different parcel – part of a golf course planned at the park – for the cemetery because of projected costs to clean up the ARDA site and concerns from neighbors.

During the cemetery debate, some residents have accused the council of wanting to let Great Park developer FivePoint Holdings build on the ARDA site, which they say would worsen traffic and harm their quality of life.

Council members struck back, at least symbolically, on Tuesday, Aug. 13, with the vote to change the ARDA site zoning put in place by a prior council. Officials noted that any development plans for the property would need additional city approvals regardless, but reducing the options allowed by the zoning is expected to signal the council’s intentions for the land.

“We are not only not gonna hand that land to a developer, we’re gonna remove the zoning,” Councilman Michael Carroll said.

He made a point during the council meeting of noting that when the current zoning was approved in 2009, one of those who voted for it was former mayor Larry Agran, who has since attacked the council for not backing a veterans cemetery there.

The city could still use the ARDA land as a park or a lower-intensity use such as agriculture, and officials have said neighbors have asked for a small retail center with a grocery, dry cleaner and other local businesses.

Final approval of the zoning change still needs a procedural second vote from the council, and any proposed development also would require city approvals. However, one potential wrench in the council’s plan could be an initiative Agran hopes to get on the ballot in 2020 that would designate and zone the ARDA site for a veterans cemetery.

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