Saturday, June 29, 2019

The truth about horse racing deaths

Each time a young horse stepped onto the Santa Anita racetrack this past season, all bets were off.

The stakes were high and the horse’s survival was not guaranteed.

By season’s end, 30 horses died at that racetrack.

And although it was nowhere near Santa Anita’s deadliest season, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed legislation allowing the California Horse Racing Board to suspend racing licenses to protect the health and safety of horses and riders.


A horse has 205 bones in its body; 80 of them are in the legs.

The bones of a mature horse are very strong but very light, enabling it to run fast.

Many horses begin racing at age 3 when the skeletal system is still growing and unprepared to handle the pressures of running on a hard track at high speeds. This puts the horse at risk.

A. Immature bone: The skeleton starts off in the fetus as cartilage or fibrous connective tissue.

B. Growing bone: The long bones increase in length at the ends where new cartilage is laid down.

C. Mature bone: Bone growth ceases and the epiphyseal plate converts into a fine epiphyseal line, making it stronger.


The horse’s legs have evolved to sustain its massive weight for long periods, and the horse can sleep standing up. If a horse injures one of its legs, it creates serious complications.

1. Muscle and skeletal injuries account for 80% of deaths at California racetracks. Most injuries are caused by a misstep on an unstable track surface or extreme stress.

2. When the leg breaks, often vital tissue (tendons and nerves) surrounding the bone is torn, causing an open fracture.

3. Blood supply to lower part of extremities is restricted, causing more complications in healing.

4. Weight, movement, infection, pain and costs are major factors that work against a horse in recovery.


Laminae are the fibrous tissues that attach the hoof to the leg.

When a leg is broken, the horse shifts its weight on the other three legs, which inflames the hoofs, causing laminitis.

Barbaro, the 2006 Kentucky Derby winner, died from laminitis following his breakdown at the Preakness Stakes. It is one of the most common and deadly diseases in equines.


A chase vehicle follows the horses during each race.

When a horse falls, the medical team is on scene within seconds to assess the severity of injury.

If the injury is severe enough, the horse is euthanized on the spot, loaded onto the vehicle and carried away.


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