Saturday, July 20, 2019

Local Stores Play Music Nonstop To Keep Homeless At Bay With Mixed Results

WEST HOLLYWOOD (CBSLA) — An effort to stop the homeless from lingering outside some local stores is hitting a sour note with some.

Outside a 7-Eleven in West Hollywood, shoppers are greeted with classical music. The same is true outside of a Rite-Aid on Sunset in Hollywood. The music plays non-stop.

“At times there are problems with homeless people,” said Isiah Moore, a shopper at the Rite-Aid on Sunset.

And while some employees say the non-stop music works, shoppers and area residents are not so sure.

“This is good music,” JB, a homeless man outside of the Rite-Aid said. “This is very good music.”

And a woman who calls herself Marilyn Monroe said she loved the music as she danced in front of the store.

“It’s backfiring, obviously,” said one shopper.

The story was the same at the West Hollywood 7-Eleven where panhandlers made their pitches over the music as shoppers entered the store.

“I’m not sure that’s really effect way to keep the homeless away,” said Elton Simmons. a shopper at the convenience store.

Convenience stores in both Portland, Oregon and Sacramento replaced the soothing sounds of classical music with regular shrill wails from the speakers. And while seemingly effective at keeping homeless away from the stores, nearby residents were not so happy.

“I don’t want to live in my house,” said a woman who lives nearby a Sacramento 7-Eleven. “I want to live in my backyard and when I get these kind of noises, it doesn’t make me enjoy my backyard at all.”

Meanwhile in Los Angeles, convenience stores are sticking to classical music and, on occasion, Barry Manilow.

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