Monday, August 20, 2018

Becoming artists of change as we age can help us live with renewed joy and vitality

Indira Gandhi said, “Whenever you step forward you are bound to disturb something.”  If we can say one thing for sure about the decades following our 60th birthday, we can say they are filled with change. Some we anticipate. Some catch us unaware.  We find that we must leave behind old ways of doing things when faced with the incredible burst of technology in our lives. At the same time, we are also entering into an extended life-span.  What used to be considered “old age” is now in the prime of life.

The greatest talent we can develop for this expanded time of experience is to become committed to being an “artist of change.”  While there may be an outline for our mature years, we add the color and texture. Some people may choose to color within the established lines and others may want a scribbled, undefined life.  The art of living in a new age is our choice. In a world that values youth and extremes, it can be easy to devalue our years and try to imitate the young. Accepting the reality of our world today is important in order to learn to thrive within it.  So, rather than waste our time trying to be “younger” let’s enhance it and explore the richness of our longevity by learning to live in a way we’ve never experienced before. This takes knowing ourselves; our level of well-being, our interest and our commitment.

We live in a field of infinite possibilities. Yogi Berra was right when he said, “The future ain’t what it used to be.”  Lifelong learning is the mode for the future.  As you take on aging with a new attitude you can expect to disturb not only your own beliefs and lifestyle but also the beliefs and expectations of some of the people around you. You are in good company; many people are taking on aging not as an enemy but as a new and exciting adventure.  It is never too late to build a thriving lifestyle.  Physical ability has little to do with being involved — vitality does! Looks have little to do with beauty — joy in living does!  Age has little to do with youthfulness — attitude is everything!  Be the artist of your life in your own style.

The Rev. Linda McNamar is a Laguna Woods Village resident. 

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